Thursday, April 3, 2014


 Are you wondering to which vocation God is calling you? Is it marriage; and, if so, how do I find my future husband/wife?  Am I being called to consecrate my life to God; and, if so, to which religious community?  Could I being called to the single lifestyle? How do I find answers to those questions? First of all, I need to go to God.  I need to be seeking God’s will, not mine. Sincerely, I need to say to God: “Not my will, but yours be done.”  Then I need to say: “Here I am, Lord; I am coming to do your will. Show me. Open my eyes to see, my ears to hear and my will to follow.” Sit in the stillness and be attentive to the Spirit praying within you.  When you mine wanders, come back to  gently to listening (use the word “Jesus”).  Do this for 3-5 minutes every day.

If you feel called to marry, ask the Lord to put you in touch with your future spouse and to give you the courage to search for the right person. If you feel called to religious life, search the web. Study the charisms of different religious community, attend their Come and See programs or arrange for a discernment session with the vocation director (this could be a day retreat or several days of retreat.
If you feel called to the single lifestyle, ask the Lord to reveal this gift to you and to fill your heart with peace, if that is the vocation to which you are called.

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