Thursday, March 17, 2016

Discernment: What Jesus Teaches us

Discernment: What Jesus Teaches us

In today's Gospel, John 8: 51-59, when the people  heard Jesus say “before Abraham came to be, I AM “, they  picked up stones to throw at Him. How can Jesus claim to be I AM, to have existed before Abraham came into being, as He was not even 50 years of age. They were also sure that Jesus was possessed when he said: “[W]hoever keeps my word will never see death.”  How can Jesus say that people who keep His word will never see death, when Abraham is deceased, as were Isaac, Jacob and David and so many other ancestors of their faith? 

The fact that Jesus was misunderstood, that people rallied against Him and wanted His voice silenced did not stop Him from clinging to every word that came from His Father and doing whatever the Father asked of Him.   Many times women in their 40s and 50s say that they first felt called in their teens and, at the time, parents opposed their entering religious life, that their friends didn’t believe that they were called to give up marriage and having children.  For some, grandparents vehemently opposed their entrance.

What is holding you back? Are you hearing a quiet, persistent voice calling you to consider religious life?

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