Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Discernment: The Role of Closed Opportunities

Discernment:  In today’s Gospel, John 15: 1-8, Jesus reminds us that He is the true vine and that His Father (and ours) is the vine grower.  The Father “takes away every branch in [Jesus] that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does …[the Father] prunes so that it bears more fruit.”  Jesus also reminds us that we are “already pruned because of the word that…[Jesus speaks to us].”

The Father’s pruning might occur when “a door” or “a window” of opportunity is closed. The pruning or closing of the door or window may be a very painful experience for us, especially if we are not living by faith, knowing that God’s plan for us is full of hope not disaster. God may have diverted us from a decision we were about to make because He has better plans for us. He also may be teaching us obedience to His will and letting go of ours.  Discernment means that we need to allow “closed windows” or “closed doors” to be a sign that God wants something else of us, something that will bear greater fruit than what we envisioned.

How open are you to closed “windows” and closed “doors” as revealing the will of God to you?  Are you open to this being part of discernment?

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