Friday, August 5, 2016

Discernment and Personality

Discerning a Vocation to religious life, priesthood, marriage or the single life?  Begin this discernment process with growing in self-knowledge. Take time to get to know yourself:  how would you describe your personality, that is, your character, your disposition, your temperament?  Would you or would other people, for instance, say that you have a cheerful personality? That you are easy to get along with, that you are a go-getter, self-starter, achiever, willing to do whatever it takes to make life enjoyable, livable, pleasant, growth-promoting? Or would you or others say  that you are someone who is difficult to live with because of a melancholic nature, a moody disposition, someone who is hesitant to contribute to the common good, who holds  back, is resistant to challenging work, who withholds love and conciliatory attitudes?  Would you or others describe you as optimistic or pessimistic, a positive or a negative person?

Given your personality, which vocation would be best for you and others who share that vocation with you: marriage, religious life, priesthood, the single life?    Are others saying: “You would be a good member of a religious community (women/men) because…..” You would make a good wife/mother, a good husband/father  because…..”  “ You would make a good priest because….”  “You would do best as a single person because….”

Think about it. Pray about it. Talk to others about it!

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