Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Discernment: What Mary Magdalene Teaches Us


In today’s Gospel, John 20: 11-18, Mary Magdalene has gone to the tomb looking for Jesus.  She finds the tomb empty. Jesus’ body is gone.  Overcome with grief, she weeps outside of the tomb.  Two angels appear one at head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had been. They question Mary: Why are you weeping? She turns around and sees Jesus but thinks he’s the gardener. He also asks her why she is weeping. She says to Him: “Sir, if you have taken Jesus’ body, please show me where it is. I will take care of it.” And Jesus says: “Mary”!  When he speaks her name, she recognizes the Lord and responds in Hebrew “Rabouni,” which means “Master.”
How did Mary discern that the gardener was Jesus? How was it that she recognized the gardener’s voice as the voice of her Master?

First of all, Jesus is looking for/waiting for her. If He were not seeking, she would not find.  Second of all, Mary is engaged in the discernment process, which we might outline, in this instance, into eight significant steps:  1) She is actually looking for Jesus.  2) She  wants to find the One she has lost, even if all she finds is his dead body.   3) She wants to serve Him, give Him something, namely, in this case, a proper burial, one that shows the deceased the respect that is deserved.  4) She allows no one to distract her, neither the angels nor the gardener.  5) She is focused.  6) She knows for whom/what she is looking. 7) She does not give up until she finds the One for whom she is thirsting, hungering, longing, desiring! 8) She personally encounters the Risen Lord—this personal relationship with the Lord long preceded this finding of Him in the  emptiness of her life at that point in time.
What about you and me? Are we actually looking? Do we really want to find Him? Are we willing to be of service, to give of ourselves no matter what the cost (Mary Magdalene could have been arrested, put to death as Jesus was)? Do we shut out distractions and stay focused? Do we know for what/whom we are looking? Do we persevere in looking? Have we developed a personal relationship with the Lord in the first place?

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