Monday, July 15, 2019

God's Work Cannot Be Destroyed

In today's first reading, Exodus 1: 8-14, 22, the Egyptian authorities execute a decree to oppress the Israelites, their slaves,as their population is increasing, afraid that,in times of war with other nations, the Israelites will join Egypt's enemies and turn against them and  also leave the country.  "Let us deal shrewdly with them to stop their increase....Yet the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied."

So, too, with Christianity!  God's work cannot be destroyed. The work of the Holy Spirit is unstoppable, then and now!

No matter how the cross appears--outside oppression, internal turmoil, ill health, failure of some sort or whatever-- whatever suffering you and I endure in faith and in trusting the Lord, our faith will deepen and our love grow stronger and more extensive. Suffering endured in faith will yield fruit that will last into eternity!

In Jesus' suffering, Jesus never lost sight of His Father's delight and love of Him and of us.  May you and I, likewise in our sufferings, not lose sight of God's delight in us,  His love for us, and His nearness, giving us the strength we need to grow in faith and trust of the Lord!  May we look to God for help to realize how much we depend upon God to grow in faith and love especially during times of trial, turbulence, and pain!


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