Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Religious Life: What influences you to say "yes" to your vocation in life?

Religious Life:  Religious life is a special calling to live for the Church and its mission. It is entrusting oneself totally to God and no other. It is living the faith in its depth, its width, its height, and its length to be of service to the needy.  Some beginners in religious life, studying to become Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother, a Franciscan community, novices were asked what how Mother France, the Foundress of this community,  influenced them in saying “yes” to the vocation to which they were being called.

Sister Lara states: Since the beginning, I was attracted to the life of Mother Frances because she totally entrusted herself to God and His providence, certain that His faithful love was working only for her good. But what influenced me the most in my decision to join the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother was the great love Mother Frances had for the Church and her desire to give herself totally for the good of the Mystical Body of Christ. I try to imitate her but, for me, it is a great challenge to be faced every day. Young people of today live and grow in a society where all authority exists only to be denigrated or “fought.”  I believe that the constant and confident abandonment of Mother Frances to the Father’s love, bearing witness to a direct but respectful relationship with human authority is a great example for the youth of today.” 

Questions for reflection: 

1.      Who attracts you to be faithful to what God is asking of you as a disciple of Christ?
2.      What in your life gives testimony to your belief that God is working only for your good?”
3.      What is your attitude towards the Mystical Body of Christ here on earth, the Church?
4.      What is your experience of society’s relationship to authority in the world of today?
Who, for you, models a “constant and confident abandonment…to the Father’s love?

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